Cad Block and projects

[ EN ] Agro-zootechnics database

For Agronomists, Agro-technicians and Agricultural Experts we have provided a product consisting of all the drawings of the Agrozootechnics category and other categories that may be useful to the profession.

Dwg agro-zootechnics database, large collection of drawings for the various categories of animal husbandry, various stables and enclosures for breeding, projects, machinery and equipment for the production of wine and oil; technical systems for agriculture, silos and deposits for cereals, irrigation, cisterns and reservoirs of all kinds. Wide choice for every designer’s need.

The database is a copy of the one in Italian, only the name of the categories has been translated into English, the files inside are the same for all languages

The price is 68.00 euros.
The default payment method is online with all credit and prepaid cards.

Once the payment has been made, you will be able to access the personal area in order to download the purchased product.
You can also pay by bank transfer but it is necessary to wait for the accreditation time before being able to download the material.

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related cad block categories

Animal figures

Work vehicles

Cisterns - water tanks

Enology - Diemme machines

Naturalistic Engineering

Parks and Gardens

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